The Deck of Wander Playing Cards: Your Trusty Hiking Companion for Washington and Oregon

The Deck of Wander Playing Cards: Your Trusty Hiking Companion for Washington and Oregon

Photography by Meghan Vestad

On a warm, breezy day this summer, Anja and I congregated in her garden to say hello to the bees, catch up, and take some new photographs of the deck of wander.

Although you can bring this deck anywhere, anytime, summer really is when this deck cracks its knuckles and limbers up; whether it's hiking, waiting in the border-crossing line up, or games night with your friends and family, the deck of wander is the perfect thing to slip in your bag for when the opportune moment arises.


The deck of wander features a different hike and hand-drawn illustration for each card and includes the trail's total distance and elevation. You can play the cards like a regular deck, or shuffle them and pick a card at random to choose a hike! They are printed on Bicycle-brand card stock for that classic and durable feel.

If you are an avid hiker from BC and have checked off most of the hikes around British Columbia, the Washington and Oregon deck has incredible hikes that are just across the way!

Written by Meghan Vestad


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